Drinking Water and Sanitation

Survey on RWSS

To contribute to the Flagship programme of SWASCHH BHARAT, SWWS has taken up mass awareness programme among the people on the benefits of village cleanliness, maintaining sanitation and clean environment surrounding the human habitations.
Awareness generation motivated 37 families to go for construction of Individual House hold Latrines in Madava and Raisingi villages of Rayagada block. Similarly, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) supported for the appointment of Block Coordinators and Cluster Coordinators in Four Blocks that is Rayagada, Gumma, Kashinagar blocks and R.Udayagiri blocks.
The roles and responsibilities of the block coordinators and the cluster coordinators are mentioned below.
> Helping the village community in formation of Village Water and Sanitation Committees..
>Taking up awareness generation and village level for members of VWSCs and other GP grass root level workers in the village (ASHA worker, Aganawadi worker, School teachers, Self help group,and Yovak mandal etc) on various aspect of water and sanitation. This can be through class room training hands on support in villages and exposure visit.
>Preparing annual activities calendar mainly focusing on IEC and training activities and will be responsible for its implementation.
> Helping the GPs / VWSCs in baseline Surveys, sanitary survey of drinking water source and systems falling within their jurisdiction.
> Helping the village community /VWSCs/GPs in preparation of their village action plan and its approval by the Gram Sabha.
> Guiding VWSCs in implementing and monitoring the works relating to water supply schemes and sanitation envisaged in the village Action Plan.
>Co-ordination and fellow up with grass roots level worker trained in water quality monitoring and surveillance and ensuring that they take of water quality testing and surveillance activities.
>Interacting regularly with Panchyat , Asha,worker,Aganawadi worker, self help group, Mahila and Yuvak Mandal to ensure that issues relating to water supply.