Society for Welfare of Weaker Sections is a timely response to the socioeconomic needs of the tribal population in Gajapati district. SWWS started its operation by working in close proximity with the tribes 'Souras' and 'Kandhas'. Initially the aim was to ensure basic support to the vulnerable pockets through enhancedcommunity participation. The main challenge before the activists and social workers was to stage a radical shift from age old paternalistic generosity model to reinforced convergent community action.
This could be achieved only by means of attitudinal transformation. SWWS has functionally demonstrated its core competency in strengthening civic amenities for the tribal population like access to safe drinking water, primary health care, household level food security, hygiene and sanitation for school children and at the household level, economic empowerment for women andstrengthening of local governance through augmented community participation.
These programs not only kept pace with national development goals but also adhered to the mandates of the Millennium Development Goals. The organization became a trendsetter by its integrated thrust on hygiene and sanitation in schools thus ensuring high enrolment and retention of students especially girls in the hilly tracts of Gajapati district which has been viewed since long as a herculean task by educational planners and policy makers. Shifting cultivation adopted by the tribes poses unique challenge for any development organization to intervene in the area of food security. SWWS has identified and projected interventions concerning MGNREGA and Forest Rights Act for securing household level food security. This was done through scientific management of natural resources using appropriate and improved technology backed by support of Community based Organizations (CBOs).